Bio – Media Kit

Bio in italiano
Si occupa e scrive di futuro del lavoro, come manager, public speaker, autrice, giornalista professionista.
Ha una esperienza di 20 anni in multinazionali operanti nei servizi come Direttore della Comunicazione HR e dell’Employee Experience.
Attualmente è Culture and People Experience Leader per EY Europe West e Head of Employer Branding and Employee Experience di EY Italia.
Linkedin Top Voice Lavoro, è direttrice della collana “Voci del lavoro Nuovo” di FrancoAngeli.

Bio in inglese
She works for and writes about the future of work, as a manager, public speaker, author, professional journalist, and trainer. HR Communications Director, with 20 years experience in services/recruiting/staffing in multinational companies.
She is currently Culture and People Experience Leader at EY Europe West and Head of of Employer Branding and Employee Experience at EY Italy.
She’s been awarded as LinkedIn Top Voice Work and she’s now also editor in chief of “Voci del lavoro nuovo”, a series of books on the new world of work.


Copyright: G.Paolo Sperotto, P. Martinello

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